Our Team


Dr Jesse Cleave

Director, Chiropractor
Bio →


Dr Matt Andreasen

Director, Chiropractor
Bio →

Jasmine Practice assistant Velca

Jasmine Chester

Practice Manager

Aisha Khan

Massage Therapist
Bio →

Kathryn Tregidga

Senior Physiotherapist
Bio →

Jaden De-Arth

Bio →

Brian Oh

Bio →

Senior Physiotherapist Howick

Ab Dulla

Senior Physiotherapist

Mia Jones, Velca Practice Assistant

Mia Jones

Practice Assistant

Jessica Christensen Practice Assistant Velca Howick x500

Jessica Christensen

Practice Assistant

Georgia Hewetson

Practice Assistant

Shannon Loo

Practice Assistant



If you are unsure about which of our services is best suited to help you get better, please ask us about our complimentary no charge checkups.